Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day. happy?

valentines day..wew, a valentine without a valentino. Well, my valentino was away for about 5 months. Not so long though. But for me it's almost like 5 years. Sounds exaggerated huh? Really that's just the normal feeling. Right? I mean, if somebody's away you're definitely going to miss that somebody. We've already talked about his departure years ago. I've expected him to leave for work some place away from the Philippines, but as I watched his steps heading towards the airport's main entrance I felt like I wanted to cry. I didn't allow even single tear to run down my cheeks. (hehe naulaw man gud ko naa iya whole family abi na lang O.A. kaayo ko hehe!!). Everybody was there.

I wanted to run, I wanted to grab his hands and say "AYAW NA LANG ADTO". But I couldn't, because this was his dreams long before we met. I don't want to end up being antagonist. However I just convinced myself that these were the things that he had been praying for in order to have mmm I don't know. Better way of living? I guess.

Anyways so that explains the title. haha. he didn't actually gave me anything this valentines. He used to send me flowers or chocolates, never a teddy bear and/or balloons. Perhaps because I wasn't asking for any of those. Next time.. Honey I'm giving you a hint.hehe. I'll be expecting those, next valentines okay?..hahahaha..
Although he's not here. im still having a great time. Planning to rent a romantic comedy movie. Hope I can find a good one.
Till my next blog.